FS2000/CFS2 Hummelbird Ultralight V.2


*place the hummelbird folder in your FS2000 Aircraft folder

*open the Gauges folder and copy the files to your Gauges folder,
if it asks you to overwrite click no

*fire up FS2000 and Enjoy!

=Legal Crap=

This model and its files should not harm your machine in any way shape or form, but u never
know. in the event that this file screws up your computer or damages any of its components
i will NOT be held responsible for anything.

If you want to do a repaint you can go ahead and do it as long as you do not make money out
of it (make it payware) just e-mail me to notify me of any modification that you have done to
the files contained here.

If you upload this to any other servers after having done modifications of your own, dont
forget to give me and Fern cradit for the original files.

You can upload this model to any FREE server on the internet.

=Contact Me=

if you wish to contact me you can write to this e-mail address: felipebelalcazar@hotmail.com


Model, Panel & Textures: Felipe Belalcazar
Flight Dynamics: Fern Marques